Pages O' Quotations

These are all quotes that were of interest to me, for one reason or another. They're sorted by author's last name. However, if you're looking for a particular subject may I suggest the 'find in page' under 'Edit' on the toolbar, on each page you've got the patience to search. I hope to have a browser someday soon, but until then this is the best I can offer. Enjoy! ;-)
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    A D. Adams - H. Adams - Adolf - Ali - J. Allen - W. Allen - Anonymous - Ardrey - Aristotle - Arneson - Assyrian stone tablet - Avon
    B Bach - Bacon - Balzac - Barkley - Barrows - Barry - Barth - Beagle - Beard - Beccaria - Beecher - Benchley - Bequmqrcharis - Bierce - Billings - Bismark - Blackstone - Blake - Blowfish Catalog - Bonaparte - Bosquet - Bovee - Bradley - Brandeis - Broun - E. Browning - R. Browning - Bruce - Brunner - Bryce - Buchanon - Buddha - Burden - Burke - Burton - Byron
    C Caesar - Calvin - Calvin's mom - Carlyle - Cather - Cavour - Chapman - Chateaubriand - Chesterton - Chinese proverb - Churchill - Chrystostom - Cicero - F. Clark - R. Clark - Clarke - Cleese - Cleyre - Clinton - Cole - Coleridge - Confucius - Congreve - Conrad - Cramer - Crowley - cummings - Cuomo
    D Dalai Lama - Rich. Davies - Robt. Davies - Dead Kennedys - De Gaulle - De Maistre - Dean - Delenn - Deloria - Dennett - Diderot - Dietz - Disraeli - Donovan - Douglas - Dryden - Du Mu - Dulles - Durant - Dyson
    E von Ebner-Eschenbach - Eckenwiler - Einstein - Eisenhower - Ellington - Ellis - Elmer-Dewitt - Emerson - Estes - Euripides
    F Ferguson - Ferm - Ferre - Fields - Fisher - M. Fletcher - P. Fletcher - A. Ford - H. Ford - Forster - Fosdick - France - Franklin - Frost
    G Gaiman - Galileo - Gandhi - Gehm - Gillespie - G'Kar - Glasspell - Goethe - Goldman - Goodman - Goya - Guevara - Guicciardini
    H Hamilton - Haldane - Hanlon - Harlan - Harris - Hart - Hayne - Hayward - Hearne - Hebdige - Heinlein - Hellman - Helvitius - Hemingway - Henley - Herford - Herold - Hinckley - Hitler - Hoffer - Hoffman - Holmes - Homer - Hughes - Hugo - Hutchins
    I International Ontopsychology Association
    J Will James - William James - Jefferson - Jobs - John Paul I - G. Johnson - S. Johnson
    K Kennedy - Kierkegaard - King - Kipling - Kissinger
    L Lamb - Lao-Tzu - Lapham - Law - Lawrence - Laws of Physics - Lebowitz - J. Lehman - L. Lehman - G. L. Lee - R. H. Lee - Lewis - Lias - Lincoln - Lizard - Lovecraft - Luther
    M Machiavelli - Macleish - Maggon - Ms. Manners - Mao - Marcos - Marley - G. Marx - K. Marx - McKeon - Medawar - Mencken - Michener - Milay - Miller - Milton - Mitchell - Moglen - Monroe - Montague - Montherlant - Moore - Muniz - Musashi - B. Mussolini - V. Mussolini
    N Nehru - New Hampshire request for Bill of Rights - New Model Army - Newsweek - New Zealand Symphony Orchestra Weekly Schedule - Nietzsche - Nimitz - Nixon - NYC police officer (former)
    O Official MBA Handbook - Okri - Olinghouse - Orben - O'Rourke - Ovid
    P Paine - Patton - Paul - PD - Petain - Picasso - Poe - Pole - Pollock - Ponsonby - Pope - Prior - Publilius Syrus - Pyrrhus
    there is no Q page
    R Rand - Rayburn - Raymond - Reagan - Richter - E. Roberts - J. Roberts - Roche - de la Rochefoucauld - Rogers - E. Roosevelt - F. Roosevelt - Ruggels - Rousseau - Rowe - Rowland - Russell
    S Sachs - Saint-Exupiry - Sandburg - Santayana - Sante - Schiller - Schultz - Schurz - Schwambach - Schweitzer - Seneca - Shakespeare - Shaw - Sheridan - Sherman - Shoaff - Sidney - Simpson - Smith - Socrates - Sol Invictus - Sowell - Spanish maxim - Spafford - Spong - Spooner - Straczynski - Sterling - Sterne - Stevenson - Stewart - Stockhausen
    T T3 - Tarbell - Tawney - Tiger aphorism - I Timothy - Thomas - Thoreau - Tillich - Tomlin - the Torah - Truman - Truth - Tucker - Twain - Twelve Moons - Tytler
    U US Internal Revenue Service Document Processing System project manager
    V Valery - Van Dyke - Vare - Vergil - Voltaire - Vonnegut
    W Wallace - E. Warren - J. Warren - Washington - Webster - Welles - Duke of Wellington - West - White - Wilde - Williams - F. Paul Wilson - R. A. Wilson - W. Wilson - Wolfe
    there is no X page
    Y Yeats
    there is no Z page
    Unknown authors

    Collie Collier
    Click on the mailbox to let me know what you think about what I've written -- I'm always interested in communicating! ;-)

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    Last Updated: Sun Mar 11 2000 <*> Free Speech Now!