Bob's Gift Wish List

Here's Bob's gift wish list. He says he's sorry there's not more on it, and that he'll try to think of more things. Also, he asks no alcohol please, unless it's something unique and amazing that you want to share. ;-)

Wherever possible I've tried to give links to the appropriate places on line. No worries, if you click a link it will open a new window for you, and you won't lose this one.

Incidentally, if you email me, Collie, with what you'd like to get Bob, I can help you be sure you're not replicating someone else's gift. Thanks for reading, and enjoy!

Very wanted!

  • A digital camera -- Bob's not researched this extensively yet, so I don't have a link for it, sorry (Just in! We'd like an Olympus C-7070 wide zoom! ;).

  • The Babylon 5 script books -- Bob would probably have a delighted COW if you got him these. ;)

  • Bob says: "I want three Thermoses (Thermosi?) Nothing fancy, just basic 'keep it hot/cold' jars.
    1. A big one with a wide mouth for soup and such. It should have a lid that can be used as a bowl.
    2. A large drink Thermos (1 quart size, maybe 1 ½ quart) that can be used for a bunch of coffee.
    3. A little drink Thermos that can be used for just a bit of coffee.
    4. I have to admit, the thermos mugs look kinda neat, too. :-)

    I don't care if they're steel or glass, but they should be real vacuum bottles, not just insulated. I'm guessing the glass ones are better, since you would be able to heat the liner with boiling water, but I dunno..."

    Collie says: "Check here for the Thermos web site. ;)"

  • The Babylon 5 DVD series.
    The link is to the first of the set. Bob, packrat that he is, wants to collect them all. ;-)

Also nice

  • A gift certificate to Gloria Jean's Gourmet Coffees -- you can find a local store finder here. Alternatively you could simply get some of their wonderful café l'orange -- it's Bob's favorite. ;-)

    Helpful note: Bob's a cheerful "coffee nazi" and prefers, if possible, to receive his coffee in the little half pound bags, even when he buys several pounds at a time.

  • Subscriptions for two, or two tickets, or something similar, to local plays, or concerts, or speakers' forums, or other fun art/culture things, for next year.

  • Bob would enjoy the "HeroClix" packs (you can either order on line, or find a store, from this page). The ones he'd like are either this pack, or this one, would be much appreciated. Bob notes also that duplicates are fine with him!

  • Wayne Barlowe's Inferno, which is unfortunately currently out of print.

  • Some swing music CDs from any of the following bands: "Big Bad Voodoo Daddy," the confusingly named "Squirrel Nut Zippers," or the weirdly named "Cherry Poppin' Daddies."

    Helpful note: Bob's already got the following albums:

    • CPD: "Zoot Suit Riot"

    • SNZ: "Perennial Favorites," "Bedlam Ballroom," "SNZ Christmas Caravan," and "The Inevitable"

    • BBVD: "Big Bad Voodoo Daddy"

    If you click through onto BBVD's site, by the way, run your mouse along the bottom of the new popup window to find their "Big Bad Bazaar." I'm sorry their site uses such annoying code. :-(